hassle free to getting back deposit on the spot upon returning handover check out

1.  Ensure power supply is there for check out inspection.

2.  Contact Air Con Company for a last service.
Inform them it's "Handover Last Service Inspection"
They will assist you to check and replace batteries on remote controls if necessary.

3.  Engage Curtain Dry Cleaning Company 2 weeks ahead.

4.  Engage your cleaning company 2 weeks ahead to book for a schedule to avoid disappointment.
Complete all cleaning and fixing / repairing at least 1 day before the handover.

When there is nothing else that the landlord can pick  and find fault to deduct fees from your deposit, there is nothing to be deducted.   Hence upon satisfactorily inspection after the completion of all the above,  can only a happy landlord refunds your deposit on the spot upon your check out without deduction.  You leave behind a complimentary impression with the Landlord after your travel.

Check List for Returning Handover Check Out Preparation